Some 'Not So British' Calibers Now Available.
Just listed these in the vendor's section:http://britishmilitariaforums.yuku.com/topic/18645/master/1/#.VOK97rCp7L8
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Martyn,Could you please post a picture of the .43 Egyptian next to the Dutch Beaumont case. I've always used them interchangeably in my .43 Egyptian rolling block SRC.
View ArticleRe: Some 'Not So British' Calibers Now Available.
Joel, they are the same. Officially, the Egyptian is .003" shorter than the Beaumont which, with the tolerances of the day in regard to chamber dimensions, are negligible.
View ArticleRe: Some 'Not So British' Calibers Now Available.
I guess the old CCC brass that I've used for 50 years was made with the slightly shorter case in mind.
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